Ambresse Acres is a small homestead on a few acres dedicated exclusively to American Bresse chickens, especially their utilitarian aspects. We are focused on sustainably raising most of what we eat in a clean and holistic manner.
(Click on photos to open in a full-size window.)
To that end our chickens provide all the eggs and meat we need, plus overages for others. We also plant and tend a large vegetable garden, and forage for edible mushrooms and medicinal plants in season.
Ambresse Acres Poultry Farm is located in Port Angeles, which is on the north Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. Or as we say, "the top left USA."
Contact Us Page: Here.
Facebook: AmBresseAcres
History of Ambresse Acres: Below.
About Karen, owner of Ambresse Acres: Below.
Product Offerings: Chicks, started birds. Fertile hatching eggs very occasionally available. We are still navigating the legalities of selling farm-to-door.
Local pick-up only, we aren't shipping at this time.
(1/9/2022; updated 10/17/2024)
I first heard of American Bresse in early 2020 when someone remarked, "I raise American Bresse chickens." After some serious research, I almost immediately acquired a shipment of forty chicks, and then allowed the barnyard chickens to age out (into the stew-pot). I now raise white American Bresse chickens exclusively.
The initial forty birds making up our foundation stock was culled down to the best 8 birds by the end of the year. We added another 8 birds via hatching eggs from Sunny Acres Farm in Ohio in 2020, and then whittled these down to the best two roosters.
The selective breeding and culling process continued for the next two and a half years. By mid-2023 the flock had improved significantly, especially in body type, balance, and bone structure.
In mid-2023, a mission of mercy brought me from Washington State east as far as Missouri. If I could travel another eight hours to Cincinnati, Ohio, Mandelyn Royal was willing to spare me a good handful of started birds. I made the trip and collected the birds gratefully.
We reviewed her birds and chatted in the barn while a summer thunderstorm pounded the roof and drenched the landscape. It was still pouring as we loaded the young birds into their travel bins and into the minivan.
In February of 2024, we began hatching from both bloodlines at Ambresse Acres. Mandelyn has been selectively breeding for seven years. She is about four years ahead of me with breeding selection, and it shows. Chicks hatched from her genetics grow fast, are meaty almost from hatch, and grow into birds that measure up well against the Standard.
My Ambresse Acres flock are miles ahead of where they were when I first received them four years ago, yet there is room to maintain the current course of selective breeding. Type is significantly improved, and we have eliminated recessive white genetics from the Ambresse Acres pen as documented by genetic testing. But the most gratifying quality in the Ambresse Acres birds is TASTE. The AA birds have the fat deposition and the 'it' factor that begs for seconds.
For the foreseeable future, we will maintain two separate pens - a pen with birds carrying the MR bloodline, and one with the Ambresse Acres recessive-white-free bloodline.
In 2023 we implemented the use of wing bands to assist in the process of selective breeding, which has been very helpful. Huge breeding progress is ongoing in conformation to the standard of perfection. It is actually surprising how quickly one can see the results of one's selection choices year over year.
Testing for double dominant white is in process for all the roosters; we'll continue testing for the hens into 2025.
We DO offer chicks and started birds for sale, and very occasionally, fertile hatching eggs. Feel free to contact us and ask questions.
ALL of our birds at Ambresse Acres are 100% American Bresse, and have ALL the qualities that are characteristic of the American Bresse breed, including the unique flavor and fat marbling.
Available: Day-old chicks - inquire early as we may have a wait list. USD$15.00/each, straight run, as we do not sex our chicks. Pick-up in Port Angeles, WA, or other agreed-upon pick-up point.
Price depends on age. Contact us for details.
EVERY breeder of quality birds, without exception, finds that their stock divides itself into two sorts: The birds that have the potential to improve the overall quality of the breeding flock, and the birds that, if used for breeding, will add extra steps and a bunch of extra time to the selective breeding process.
The question then becomes: What to do with the birds that we don't plan to use for breeding??
U-Pick-Up. We are located in Port Angeles, in the north of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State (USA).
January 2025 Note: Ambresse Acres sells fertile American Bresse hatching eggs infrequently. Please contact us for more info regarding availability and/or a spot on our waiting list.
Eating eggs are almost never available. We and our extended family eat nearly all of them. Any extras are dehydrated or donated. You can certainly inquire....
We are acquainted with a LOT of excellent Am Bresse chicken breeders, and are very happy to refer you to the American Bresse Breeder listings or the American Bresse for Sale pages. Many of these breeders are selling and shipping hatching eggs, day-old chicks, and young birds.
(I am not able to personally vouch for every one of these breeders, of course. Please do not fail to do your own research and then contact the individual[s] of your choice should you need to obtain some American Bresse hatching eggs or chicks.)
Pictured: Karen Patry in a photo taken a "few" years ago. I've since grown out the gray...
Karen is the main chicken keeper at Ambresse Acres, and also the owner, author, and webmaster of the website.
For years my main focus was rabbits. I spent much of my time writing the website, I raised and showed Rex rabbits, developed a clean caging system, took thousands of rabbit photos, and wrote scores of website pages about every aspect of raising rabbits.
Storey Publications published my informative book, Rabbit Raising Problem Solver, which was well-received and is in its second printing.
(Storey is also the publisher of Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits, by Bob Bennett, and Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens, by Gail Damerow.)
The Rabbit Raising Problem Solver is available in the Raising-Rabbits Store, and wherever good books are sold, including (4.6*).
During all those years, chickens had access to the rabbitry, ranging under the dozens of rabbit cages and generally making themselves useful. They foraged under the cages for tidbits like flies, maggots, bugs, and even mice. They churned up the rabbit droppings until they were perfect for the garden. The eggs were a delicious bonus.
When I discovered American Bresse chickens in early 2020, I plunged head first into breeding this amazing breed of chickens.
And then the same passion that drove me to write about rabbits knocked me over the head....
The rest is history! This website,, got its start in mid-2021. It is growing in its ability to provide information about American Bresse chickens to any American Bresse breeder or individual interested in the American Bresse breed or even in chickens generally.
And now you know both how I came to raise American Bresse chickens, AND how came to be. The details about the Ambresse website are here.
I hope that Ambresse Acres and the website will be of genuine help to you. Enjoy your chickens!
"I processed my first batch of Bresse... Today I roasted one according (somewhat) to the recipe posted on Ambresse. It was delicious! Tender, moist and succulent... So happy I chose this breed! (B.E., MN, 12/11/2024).
"Your site has the first accurate information about American Bresse chickens that I have seen in English. Thanks for your diligent work" (L. Wooton, NC, 12/17/2024).
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American Bresse Breed Club web pages can be found under the Breed Club tab on the navigation bar. Any changes in Club status will be posted here!
Photo credit: Mandelyn Royal.