American Bresse Chickens for Sale
and American Bresse Wanted

American Bresse Chickens for Sale Classified Ads: Find American Bresse owners and breeders near you listed on this page, plus you can place a free American-Bresse-wanted ad here.

Demand for American Bresse chickens has been extremely high, and shows no sign of abating. If you found an established reputable American Bresse breeder, you probably discovered they're sold out for months, if not into the next year. is here to help you find American Bresse chickens near you to purchase, if possible, and to help local owners and breeders advertise their American Bresse chickens for sale. 

Hard And Fast Rule for this American Bresse Chickens for Sale Classified Ads Page: 

The chickens you advertise for sale on this website must be 100% American Bresse.

While the Ambresse Acres team understands and expects that the ABC-for-sale listings here are likely to represent a wide variety of available quality, any birds advertised here must be 100% American Bresse.

This is, after all, a website specifically dedicated to American Bresse chickens. We recognize that the many breeders, homesteaders and urban/suburban families intensely interested in this unique and delicious dual purpose chicken breed are very specifically wanting American Bresse chickens.

Using This Page:

  1. This page presents chickens for sale first, and then chickens wanted listings. Sections are organized by location, and we've included single links to the breeders listed on our ABC Breeders page to help ensure that you'll most easily find excellent quality American Bresse chickens.

  2. Request your own ABC Wanted, or ABC for Sale, listing: The listing request form is below, and the link will take you there.

  3. Click here for additional recommendations - link will take you lower on this page to our recommendations section.

Click on a state or country abbreviation to jump to that location:

   CA   FL   GA   IL   IN   KY   MI   MO   MT   NJ   NM   NY 
NC   OH   OK   OR   SC   TN   TX   UT   VA   WA   WV   WI

If your state is not listed, we don't (yet) have a source for ABCs listed there

Check the American Bresse Regional Facebook Groups Here

Jump to the I WANT to BUY American Bresse Section

Classified Listings of American Bresse Chickens For Sale

For Sale in Alabama

American Bresse flock at Back to Basics Homestead in Alabama.

Christy Mayo
Location: Gadsden, Alabama 35906
Email: backtobasicshomestead @ protonmail. com (best point of contact)
ABC For Sale: White American Bresse - chicks and started birds upon availability. We raise more for table birds vs character traits. No shipping - pick up only. Foundation stock is from Shelly Newcomb (from Greenfire Farms).

For Sale in Arizona

AZ Chickens in Phoenix, AZ - follow link for full details
BC Ranch in Prescott, AZ - follow link for full details

For Sale in Arkansas

Ozark Valley Bresse in Batesville, AR - follow link for full details
Southern Edition Farm in Hartman, AR - follow link for full details

For Sale in California


Linda Easton
Location: North Highlands CA 95660
Email: gullyrumpus @ gmail. com
Phone: (916) 541 - 8948
Hatching Eggs, Chicks. Breed sources include Devil's Gulch Ranch, CA and Greenfire Farm, FL. Calm, healthy.

Mark Pursell
Location: Madera CA 93638
Email: mark.integrity @ yahoo. com
Facebook: Pursell Faith and Farm
Phone: (559) 718 - 5186
White American Bresse. We try to carry birds from chicks to young pullets and cockerels. Not selling eggs at this time.

Angela Davidson in Oak Hills, CA - follow link for full details
Faint-Hearted Ranch Poultry in Montague, CA - follow link for full details
DBO Ranch in Reedley, CA - follow link for full details

For Sale in Florida

Greenfire Farms in Midway, FL - follow link for full details
Sunshine State Bresse in Deland, FL - follow link for full details

For Sale in Georgia

Julie Wilhelmi - Farmer Bob's Tiny Raptors
 Monroe, GA 30655
Email: jawilhelmi @ gmail. com
Phone: (208) 891 - 3519 
Available: American Bresse in white, blue, and black. Chicks and fertile eggs, local pick up only.

ABC hen in Wilhelmi flock in GA.
ABC cock in Wilhelmi flock in GA.

For Sale in Indiana

John and Kelly Sorensen
Location: Spencer, IN 47460
Email: John.martin.sorensen.iv @ gmail. com - Contact via phone or email is fine.
Phone: (443) 987 - 1060 
Breeding Bresse Farms sourced flock for meat while also working on the SOP.

For Sale in Illinois

Cassandra Bruns
Location: Woodlawn, Illinois 62898
Email: brunshiatt2011 @ outlook. com
Phone: (618) 663 - 5068 (Best point of contact is text or DM to FB page)

For Sale in Kentucky

Kel Bartlett
Location: Berry KY 41003
Email: khbartlettfarm @ gmail. com

Chuck Hogg in Shelbyville, KY - follow link for full details

For Sale in Michigan

Heather Brotherton
Location: Hancock MI 49930
Email: H.a.mccall @ gmail. com
Selling ABCs locally for family use only, until further notice.

Deanna Dickherber
Location: Flushing MI 48433
Phone: (248) 872 - 5288
Email: Northerncedarsfarm @ gmail. com
Selling white ABCs - chicks and started birds, for family or homestead use only. Waiting list is currently 4-6 weeks. Local pick up only.

For Sale in Missouri

Dustin Dalton in Bradleyville, MO - follow link for full details
Holly Weaver in California, MO - follow link for full details
Crazy Cluckers Farm in De Soto, MO - follow link for full details

For Sale in Montana

Hayley Darnielle
Location: Sidney, Montana 59270
Email: shdarnielle @ outlook. com (best point of contact)
Phone: (406) 480 - 0911
Selling ABCs locally for family use only, until further notice.
(1/9/2022 updated 8/13/2022)

Pheasant Lane Coop in Belgrade, MT - follow link for full details

For Sale in New Hampshire

Morgan Ellis in Hollis, NH - follow link for full details

For Sale in New Jersey

NJ Bresse Farms LLC 
Location: Millstone, NJ 08538
Email: njbressefarmsllc @ gmail. com
Phone: (609) 500 - 6417
Details: White American Bresse. NPIP #NJ451

Tub of American Bresse chicks from NJ Bresse Farms.
American Bresse cock at NJ Bresse Farms in New Jersey, USA.

Kerry Floyd in Frenchtown, NJ - follow link for full details
Melissa Rich in Bridgeton, NJ - follow link for full details

For Sale in New Mexico

Sabrina Minson
Location: Aztec, New Mexico 87410
Email: Sabrina.minson @ yahoo. com
Phone: (505) 635 - 0585 (text or call)
Foundation stock from AZ Chickens; breeding focus on meat and health.

For Sale in New York

Keep on Truckin' HomeN'stead in LaFargeville, NY - follow link for full details
Lady Petri's Poultry in Ontario, NY - follow link for full details

For Sale in North Carolina

Fat Chicken Farm in Rocky Point, NC - follow link for full details
Sonni Thorton in Mocksville, NC - follow link for full details

For Sale in Ohio

Kim Weissman
Location: Mount Sterling, Ohio 43143
Email: Kim @ twobitacres. com
Contact: Via email, or DM via the American Bresse Chickens FB group
For Sale: Chicks, started pullets/cockerels - White American Bresse.

Brian Bailey in Mechanicsburg, OH - follow link for full details
Joe Pniewski in Rock Creek, OH - follow link for full details
Mike Schlabach in Coshocton, OH - follow link for full details
Allison Ruwe in Jamestown, OH - follow link for full details

For Sale in Oklahoma

White American Bresse cockerels owned by Natasha Collins in Mangum OK.

Natasha Collins
Location: Mangum, OK, 73554
Email: Natashac1417 @ gmail. com
For Sale: Focusing on pasture-raised white American Bresse.

For Sale in Oregon

Christina Carmichael in Eugene, OR - follow link for full details
Kerby Jackson in Grants Pass, OR
- follow link for full details
June Burns in Riddle, OR - follow link for full details
Mona van Krieken in Mulino, OR - follow link for full details

For Sale in Pennsylvania

Black American Bresse Cock available by E. Mulligan.

ONE Black AB Rooster Available in Pennsyvania

Erinn Mulligan, Cochranville, PA 19330
Contact: erinnm7890 @ gmail. com, Ph: 215-206-6795
AB Black Rooster for sale, hatched Sep, 2024, from Bresse Farms in MS.
(3/6/2025: This notice will be removed in approximately 1 month.)

For Sale in South Carolina

Judy Farmer in Lugoff, SC - follow link for full details

For Sale in Tennessee

American Bresse chicks at Grace to Glory Farm in Tennessee.

Grace Lee
Location: McMinnville, TN, 37110
Email: GraceToGloryFarm @ proton. me
Notes: I prioritize my breeding program with a focus on nutrient dense meat, prolific egg laying, cold and heat hardiness, and gentle temperament. Birds are holistically raised without chemicals, rotated on fresh pasture and supplemented with certified organic soy-free feed and filtered drinking water. Hatching eggs, chicks, and sometimes breeders available. (8/14/2024)

Cumberland Creek Farm in Lebanon, TN - follow link for full details
Susan Swafford in Cleveland TN - follow link for full details
Cindy von Dohln in Wartrace, TN - follow link for full details

For Sale in Texas

Jenna Cox
Location: Pleasanton, Texas 78064
Email: Farmstead1784 @ gmail. com (Preferred mode of communication)
Phone: (830) 391 - 9567
Notes: PT tested, TAHC #52270

Nakid Gardeners Flock, Nov 2022.

Sidney and Toryann Holland

Location: Honey Grove, TX 75446
Email: teamholland77 @ gmail. com (Preferred mode of communication)
YouTube: Youtube - The Nakid Gardeners
NPIP: #74-4572; TAHC Certified, APPPA Members.
(9/12/2022, updated 2/13/2023)

Roberta Griffith
Location: Canton, TX 75103

Chris Reed
Location: Spring Branch, TX 78070
Email: Chris.Reed @ Freedoms.Group
Phone: 512-842-2020
Stock is from Mandelyn Royal. Additionally offers organic feed free of the usual commercial toxins; corn/soy free formulated with the help of Jeff Mattocks at Fertrell and nutritional research of Dr. Mercola.

North Star Farms in Rusk, TX - follow link for full details

For Sale in Utah

3F Farms in Elberta, UT - follow link for full details

For Sale in Virginia

Hayley Venard
Location: Stanardsville, VA 22973
Email: Orders @ wishboneacres. com
Phone: (515) 979 - 4281 - Text or email
Has been raising American Bresse since 2023; flock source unspecified. Flock is NPIP/AI Clean in 2024. (12/2/2024)

B2C2 Farms in Nickelsville, VA - follow link for full details

For Sale in Washington State


Rebecca Cahill-Kemmer
Location: Newport, Washington 99156
Email: Beccakemmer @ outlook. com
Has been actively breeding American Bresse since 2023, birds sourced from Sonni Thornton with SonniJo’s Chickens. Breeding for excellent dual purpose meat birds meeting the proposed SOP. No NPIP at this time.

Ambresse Acres in Port Angeles, WA - follow link for full details
Roxanna Willoughby in Winlock, WA - follow link for full details

For Sale in West Virginia

H&W Pastures LLC in Hedgesville, WV - follow link for full details

For Sale in Wisconsin

Alexander Schutz in New Glarus, WI - follow link for full details
John Leighton in Florence, WI - follow link for full details

For Sale in Canada

British Columbia

Grade Eh Farms in Delta, BC, Canada - follow link for full details
Elaine Willis (Forest Borders Farm), Duncan, BC, Canada - follow link for full details


Applemeadow Canadian Bresse in Burgessville ON - follow link for full details


“Hi Karen, I have already been contacted a few times over the last few days inquiring about American Bresse eggs/chicks…!” (LB)


American Bresse Groups on Social Media

Find a Facebook Group near you in order to find and network with American Bresse breeders that are local to you.

Regional Facebook Groups

Canada, Pacific Northwest, Hawaii & Pacific Islands

CANADA: Canadian Bresse Breeders:

PACIFIC NORTHWEST - American Bresse of the Pacific Northwest (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana):

HAWAII/ISLANDS - American Bresse of Oceania: Hawaii, Samoa, and other tropical Pacific Islands:

Western USA, Rockies

WEST COAST - American Bresse of the West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington) and surrounding areas:

SOUTHWEST - American Bresse of the Southwest (Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada):

ROCKIES - American Bresse Rocky Mtn Region (Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and surrounds):

Midwest USA

OKLAHOMA/KANSAS - American Bresse of Oklahoma & Kansas:

MIDWEST - American Bresse of the Midwest in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin:

MICHIGAN - U.P. Bresse Breeders (Upper Michigan Peninsula):
Keweenaw Bresse Breeders:

Northeastern USA

NORTHEAST - American Bresse of the Northeast (Pennsylvania, Maryland, and up the coast to Maine):

OHIO / BORDERING STATES - American Bresse on the Ohio River (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia):

Southern USA

TEXAS/LOUISIANA - American Bresse of Texas and Louisiana:

MIDSOUTH - American Poultry of the Midsouth (Tennessee and surrounds):

SOUTHEAST - American Bresse of the Carolinas and Southeastern US (down into Florida too):

Check also the American Bresse Mewe buy/sell/trade group:


Wanted to Buy:
American Bresse Chickens for Sale

If you're here to find American Bresse chickens for sale, and cannot find any close enough to you, consider placing a free ABC Wanted ad on this page. Click here, leave us the necessary information by filling out the American Bresse Wanted form, and hit Submit!

By letting visitors to this website know you're in the market for some Am Bresse chickens, you might get a call from someone who can provide exactly what you are looking for. 

Check with the breeders listed on our American Bresse Breeders page if you intend to breed American Bresse chickens to a Standard of Perfection. 

30-Day Limit for ABC Wanted Ads

ABC Wanted Ads will remain on this page for approximately 30 days. If after a month we take the ad down but you're still looking, simply re-submit a new request via the form below.

American Bresse Chickens Wanted...


Nataly Rinkhoff
Location: Brave, PA 15316
Email: natalyrinkhoff @ gmail. com
Phone: 724-710-1726
White American Bresse WANTED - White hatching eggs, chicks, and/or started pullets/roosters, ideally 1 dozen, in order to breed to the SOP.

Connie Zebrowski
Location: Susquehanna PA 18847
Contact: cjmzc77 @ gmail. com
White American Bresse WANTED - Looking for white rooster, hatching eggs, or chicks.

Line Chicken Drawing

 American Bresse Chickens for Sale (and Wanted) Listing Form

Whether you want to list your American Bresse chickens for sale or you need to purchase AB chickens, simply fill out the form below and hit the submit button. We'll take it from there; you'll have opportunity to review your listing for accuracy later.

American Bresse Chickens for Sale Listing Request

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


American Bresse Chickens for Sale - Recommendations for Your Consideration

You probably already know that the current high interest level in American Bresse has created supply challenges, so please consider these recommendations:

Interested in Buying American Bresse Chickens for Sale in Order to Breed to the Standard of Perfection?

  • Do your research into the American Bresse chicken breed in order to better recognize excellent breeding birds when you see them. Review the info on this website, plus, take a look at the working American Bresse Standard of Perfection.

  • Find and choose an established and/or reputable ABC breeder, and get on their waiting list right away. Our list of established American Bresse Chicken breeders is here. We've also noted other possible sources for ABCs there. 

  • Try checking the Facebook Regional Groups. If you're having trouble locating a source for American Bresse birds near you, someone on those lists will know someone who can help you.

  • Look for, and obtain the best breeding stock that you can find - birds that match the standard as closely as possible. Every flock has flaws, but you will likely achieve your goals more quickly if you start out with a flock that is already half way there.

  • Note: The American Bresse breed is not yet accredited by the American Poultry Association.

Interested in American Bresse Chickens for Sale ONLY for Family or Homestead Use?

The collection of genetic traits within most ABC flocks in North America are no doubt flawed in some fashion, when compared to the current working Standard of Perfection. This is because North American breeders have had very little actual time - a little more than 10 years - to breed and re-breed in order to eliminate genetic flaws and lock in all the best traits. 

Nevertheless, all unmixed (pure) American Bresse poultry in North America will almost surely maintain their "bresseness." Our taste buds and experience at Ambresse Acres inform us that the unique traits that make a Bresse a Bresse are present and accounted for, at least at our homestead - copious eggs, excellent fat-marbled meat, intense flavor.  

So, if you desire only meat for the table and eggs for breakfast, then genetic traits such as yellowish feathers, random black spots in that sea of white, or a toe or two that aren't perfectly straight, need not be a hindrance to you. The meat is still American Bresse in quality, and the eggs are still copious in quantity.

American Bresse Chickens for Sale - Enhanced Advertising Will Be Available in the Future

Listings on this page are 100% free. We DO expect in the future to offer enhanced advertising for a low fee, for which you will more than get your money's worth. Search Engine Rankings as of October 2024 provides lots of online visibility! A survey of the search engine results pages for the following search terms reveals that pages rank on page ONE of the results pages, and very frequently as result #1. For you, this means that people will SEE your American Bresse Chickens for Sale listings, whether you are buying or selling, which is good for everyone.

Search Term


Duck Duck Go


American Bresse




American Bresse Chickens




American Bresse Chickens for Sale




American Bresse Chicken Breeders



#1, #3

American Bresse Chicks for Sale




PS: If your chicken, chicks, or hatching eggs purchase from advertisers on this page turns out to NOT be 100% American Bresse, we'd like to know! (For example, blue eggs would be a giveaway; yellow legs or pea combs are more giveaways.) Please let us know your experiences, whether terrific or not so good.
Many thanks in advance.


"I processed my first batch of Bresse... Today I roasted one according (somewhat) to the recipe posted on Ambresse. It was delicious! Tender, moist and succulent... So happy I chose this breed! (B.E., MN, 12/11/2024).

"Your site has the first accurate information about American Bresse chickens that I have seen in English. Thanks for your diligent work" (L. Wooton, NC, 12/17/2024).

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American Bresse Breed Club web pages can be found under the Breed Club tab on the navigation bar. Any changes in Club status will be posted here!

American Bresse chickens - a true dual purpose breed.

Photo credit: Mandelyn Royal.