American Bresse Chicken Breeders

Hen at Ambresse Acres in Washington State.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders: This page contains a directory of American Bresse breeders in the USA and Canada, including photos, descriptions, contact information, and in some cases, other additional details.

By now, you have probably discovered that the American Bresse chicken is an outstanding dual-purpose breed providing many eggs per year, and moist, intensely flavorful meals enjoyed by the whole family and special guests alike.

If you are looking for a source of American Bresse chickens, this page listing breeders of American Bresse chickens is for you!

American Bresse Chicken Breeders: Get your own free listing on! Click Here to go to the breeder listing form

A couple caveats:

  • Since the breed is so new in North America, we have established some minimal parameters in order for us to provide a listing on this page. Learn more here.

  • The breeders listed here have met our minimum parameters, BUT, we cannot and have not personally vetted any of these American Bresse Chicken breeders. Therefore, it is up to you to do your due diligence, ask questions, and conduct your own research into the qualities of the birds you are considering adding to your own flock. 

  • Lastly, also has a "classified ads" page for American Bresse chickens for sale. As always, do your due diligence to ensure that your purchase meets your expectations.

Click on Your State Abbreviation to Skip Down to your Location


If your state or country is not listed, we don't (yet) have a source for ABCs listed there


American Bresse Chicken Breeders Directory

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Arizona

AzChickens (Colwyn Wickersham)
Location: Phoenix, AZ 85355 
Phone: +1 (602) 699 - 4204
Email: Rooster @ AzChickens. com
History: My birds came from original lines: Greenfire and Bresse Farms. We are now 4 generations into our own breeding lines. 30 birds in breeding flock. Flock consists of: 3 lines of White, 1 black line, 1 blue line.
Notes: NPIP #AZ 51. Certified PT & AI Clean healthy flocks. 
Best Contact: Website, Phone, Text, Messenger, Email
More: We have pens bred for specific and multiple traits including: size (meat), production (regular egg layer), both traits, proposed Standard of Perfection. All are bred for heartiness. A hearty bird surviving cold/heat is valuable to a farm. We offer Chicks, hatching eggs, juveniles or adults. We are highly rated by our customers and glad to share our lines. Just ask! :) (3/14/2022)

BC Ranch (Nancy Norwood)
Location: Prescott, AZ 86305
Phone: +1 (404) 934 - 5733 (cell: text is best)
History: Have been raising chickens for decades, and specifically ABC since Fall of 2020. Breeding lines are solely from AZ Chickens and Greenfire. I breed white, black and silver (project) Bresse.
Notes: Local pickup only. I do not ship eggs or chicks. Communicate through text, or FB Messenger.

"The Ambresse website has been VERY helpful! I received at least two dozen orders from the Ambresse site over the last year!"(Terrapin Station, AZ)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Arkansas

Ozark Valley Bresse
Location: Batesville, Arkansas 72501
 orders @ ozarkvalleybresse. com (best point of contact)
Phone: (501) 772 - 6649
History: Has been raising chickens for 6 years, and American Bresse since 2019. Has 120 breeders in 10 groups. We raise and rotate our birds on pasture year-round, and use them for personal meat and egg consumption.
Details: NPIP #71-938. We strive for the French SOP. We have great bird structure, deep steel blue legs and beautiful combs/wattles. We are working on whiter ears.

Southern Edition Farm (Liz Casanova)
Location: Hartman, AR 72840
Email: southerneditionfarm @ gmail. com
Phone: (479) 461 - 8080 Email or text message for quickest response.
History: 10+ years in chickens, has been raising ABC since 2019. Birds are in 4 breeding groups. On offer: Hatching eggs, chicks, started pullets/cockerels.
Details: NPIP #4018.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in California

Faint-Hearted Ranch Poultry (Jessica Shaffer)
Location: Montague California 96064
 Toddsjess @ aol. com (preferred points of contact are website and email)
Phone: (661) 478 - 2054
History: We are FHR Poultry, raising American Bresse and Bielefelder. We've been raising chickens for 20+ years, and American Bresse since 2020. Foundation birds came from a CA breeder with Greenfire Farms stock.
Details: Our goal is to become a dual purpose poultry ranch with pasture raised birds for both eggs and meat. Our breeding goals are to produce a beautiful, healthy, table bird with consistent laying abilities. We also breed for good temperament. I'd like our birds to adhere to the ABC standard as well.

Fowl Moods and Cock Tails (Angela Davidson)
Location: Oak Hills, CA 92344
Email: casalapalma @ outlook. com (preferred method of contact)
Facebook: CLPFowlMoodsandCockTails/
History: 2020 was our first year breeding the color varieties of American Bresse. Those foundation birds were purchased from a local private breeder. We will be breeding the white variety for the first time in 2023. This line of whites come to us from Crazy Clucker homestead who has a direct line from Greenfire Farm as well as a very nice line of their own. 
Notes: I do not ship. I hatch in small batches from February - August utilizing seven dedicated breeding coops for pairs or trios only. Emphasis on the standard of perfection (SOP) in whites, black and blue. I retain only those with excellent vigor, growth rate, laying ability (both egg size and color) and table qualities. (3/29/2022, updated 11/2/2022)

DBO Ranch (Jennie Heaton)
Location: Reedley, California 93654
Email: dboranch @ yahoo. com (preferred point of contact)
FB Messenger: Jennie Kee
History: I've raised chickens for 25 years, and specifically American Bresse since 2014. Initially, I started with a group comprised of 1/2 Canadian Poulet Blue (Blue Footed) and 1/2 Greenfire American Bresse. On several occasions over the years I replaced all the roosters with pure GF again. So, they are mostly GF American Bresse with about 1/8th to 1/16th Blue Footed. I expect to soon be infusing North Star's line in with mine.
Details: Although I have been raising Bresse for years, I just got serious about their standards in the past few years after I discovered this website. Even though I didn't cull heavily in the beginning, my birds are consistent and a better-than-average place to start for someone wanting to build their flock. Ironically, before I discovered, I culled hens with falling combs because I thought it was a fault, lol. My goal is to pasture raise and finish organically grown American Bresse chickens for meat and eggs. Additionally, I sell chicks locally throughout the growing season. I also raise rare and other heritage breeds.
I do not ship chicks.

American Bresse chicks at DBO Ranch in the Central Valley in California.
Group of American Bresse chickens at DBO Ranch in California.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Florida

Greenfire Farms -- Large Hatchery, Multiple Breeds
Location: Midway, Florida
Contact via Website:
Standard Mail: Greenfire Farms, P.O. Box 676, Midway, FL 32343
Phone: +1 (866) 954 - 2968
Notes: Original importer of French Bresse chickens to the United States. (1/9/2022)

White American Bresse Trio at Greenfire Farms in Florida, USA.
White American Bresse Rooster at Greenfire Farms in Florida, USA.

Sunshine State Bresse (Frank Scarola)
Location: Deland, Florida 32720
Phone: +1 (386) 414 - 9106 (text or email)
Email: fs31056 @ aol. com
History: Raising American Bresse since 2013. Foundation stock is from Greenfire Farms. Raising Bresse exclusively since 2014 and have kept a closed line since 2016. In that time Frank has kept his Bresse true and pure to the breed, focusing on dual purpose meat and eggs while working towards the SOP.
 "I have managed to maintain conformity in growth while also developing a line that produces extra large to jumbo eggs. I've also managed to maintain the docile and cool temperament of my flock."

Flock of American Bresse chickens at Sunshine State Bresse, owned by Frank Scarola.
Sunshine State Bresse, owned by Frank Scarola.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Kentucky

Chuck Hogg
Location: Shelbyville KY 40065
Email: chuckhogg @ gmail. com
Facebook: (preferred point of contact)
History: Has been breeding ABCs since 2021, foundation stock is from Greenfire and B2C2; has 22 birds in two groups. "We are a small farm with 15 breeding pens with a focus on Bresse and other rare breeds.  We provide many local farms with large quantities of Bresse chicks and hatching eggs." Raising both White and Black varieties.
Notes: Now shipping beginning 2024.
(5/13/2022, updated 1/27/2024)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Missouri

Dustin Dalton 
Location: Bradleyville, MO 65414
Phone: +1 (417) 250 - 0610
Email: dustinldalton @ gmail. com - preferred point of contact is email or text
History: I have had Bresse since 2019. Our bloodlines are from Greenfire, and two other sources. 25 birds in 3 breeding groups.
Notes: All of our chickens are free range until it is time to collect eggs for hatching. Then they are separated into their own chicken tractors. Although we are breeding for excellence, we also want happy birds. (5/23/2022)

Holly Weaver
Location: California, MO 65018
Phone: +1 (573) 338 - 0342 (text is best)
Email: hollyberry20 @ yahoo. com
History: I have had Bresse since 2020. Genetics are from Greenfire Farms. Right now, 11 birds in 2 breeding groups.
Notes: I work towards SOP and raising a bird that does well on pasture for meat and eggs. I have made steady progress toward sorting out the finer details. I've gotten rid of crooked toes and yellow legs. Knock knees and egg color have been a work in progress. I've got some really wide nice kneed birds now so I'm hopeful, but we shall see what happens with the knees this year. No problems so far with wings, or keels. I do need to get rid of some yellowing once I get the rest of the bird where I want it. I'd have more birds if I weren't so picky. I like being picky though, I end up with better birds. (1/20/2023)

Trio of white American Bresse chickens raised by Lou Anne Schutte in Missouri.

Crazy Cluckers Farm
Location: De Soto, MO 63020
Email: crazycluckershomestead @ gmail. com - preferred point of contact
History: We started our American Bresse venture in 2018 with chicks from GreenFire Farms. We then acquired the colored variety from AZ Chickens in 2020. 
Notes: We keep several flocks of whites and several of the blacks and the blues. We strive to breed to the SOP. Our chickens are not perfect, but we are working hard to breed to the French standard. We are very selective and cull anything that should not be breeder quality.
NPIP: We are not NPIP. We do NOT ship eggs or chicks.
3/23/2022; updated 5/21/2024)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Montana

Pheasant Lane Coop
Location: Belgrade, Montana, 59714
Email: Pheasantlanecoop @ gmail. com
Phone: +1 (608) 642 - 1361 (Contact via website contact form, email, or text.)
Details: Breeding ABCs since 2021; Original bloodlines are from Bresse Farms, with additional genetics added to increase size of birds while maintaining the correct features. Our flock has no color leakage, good conformation, and striking steel blue legs. We are very proud of our steel blue legs! We cull heavily to produce a high quality flock. Anything unworthy of our breeder flock gets utilized as food. We specialize in just a small handful of breeds on our farm so that we can dedicate our time to perfecting each one. American Bresse is our focus and favorite.
NPIP: MT NPIP #121. (11/12/2023)


American Bresse Chicken Breeders in New Hampshire

Morgan Ellis
Location: Hollis, NH 03049
Email: info @ utangardfarm. com
History: 35 years raising chickens; has focused on American Bresse since 2020. Foundation stock is from Bresse Farms and North Star Farms. Has culled heavily. Currently in 4th and 5th generations, and making solid progress with SOP, structure, and aesthetics. Zero temperament issues.
Goals: A nice table bird without losing the characteristics of the breed.
Notes: NPIP #12-289
(4/5/2024, updated 8/14/2024)

Nice American Bresse pullet raised by Morgan Ellis in New Hampshire.
Impressive American Bresse cock raised by Morgan Ellis in New Hampshire.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in New Jersey

Kerry Floyd
Location: Frenchtown, NJ 08825
Email: kfloydlezak @ gmail. com
Phone: Home: +1 (908) 797 - 8771; Business: +1 (908) 797 - 8771
History: Breeding since 2019; Bloodlines are Polly Gregor, Greenfire Farms, and another breeder I cannot remember. They are now my lines. Flock: 2 breeding groups - 1 boy over 2-3 girls.
Notes: My birds lack the white earlobes. In 2022/2023 breeding, I will be focusing on fixing this lack of white earlobes. My birds are broad and long, I'm very happy with the conformity and the taste is very clean. (2/15/2022)

Melissa Rich 
Location: Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Email: dr.rich18 @ gmail. com
History: Raising chickens since 2010, and ABCs since 2019. Stock is from Greenfire Farms and Bresse Farms, and are being bred for both meat and eggs.
Details: My flock lacks white earlobes but overall we have lovely birds with good body shapes, fast growth and pure white color. Minimal yellow leakage, no black spots, good legs and feet. Hefty little bodies. I have lots of distinctive looking folded combs which I love and have selected a bit for. I don't tolerate mean birds and have young kids so they are culled for bad temperament. We do on farm home processing and are relentless in our cull. If they aren't nice birds in body and temperament, they don't get to reproduce.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in New York

Keep on Truckin' HomeN'stead
Owned by Caitlyn Brennan
 LaFargeville, NY 13656
Email: keepontruckinhns @ gmail. com
Facebook: (FB Messenger is preferred point of contact.)
NPIP: 21-1695
History: Has been breeding ABCs since 2021, foundation stock is from Carolina Rare Chicks; has 15 birds in two groups. "I've been working with chickens since I was a little kid but only got serious once I became a stay at home mom." Flock development is in progress. Flaws such as crooked toes and knocked knees will hopefully be eliminated by the end of 2022.
Notes: Flock goals include dual purpose, preservation, and passing long to other farmers. (5/13/2022)

Ernie Confer
Location: Jamestown, NY 14701
Phone: (716) 397 - 0479 - Phone or text message
Email: burtanderniesabcs @ outlook. com
History: 10 years with chickens, and since 2020 specifically with American Bresse. I have closed flocks from Greenfire and North Star. 40+ birds in three breeding groups.
Details: Flock goals are many and specific: Exceptional meat quality, reliable egg production, good temperament, and sustainability and breeding excellence. "Knowing you've raised some of the best-tasting chicken in the world is an incredible feeling."

Lady Petri's Poultry
Location: Ontario, NY 
Email: Ladypetrispoultry @ gmail .com
History: Our birds are from the 1st and 4th Greenfire Farm imports.
Notes: NPIP and AI clean flock, legal to ship across state borders :)  My flock is bred for the standard traits, vigor, and hefty size. They enjoy a lot of free range time and are enthusiastic foragers. I highly recommend Bresse for anyone interested in high egg production, meat, or as pets. (1/22/2022)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in North Carolina

Fat Chicken Farm logo. Find them in North Carolina.

Fat Chicken Farm, LLC
Location: Rocky Point, NC 
Email: office @ fatchickenfarmllc. com - Email is a preferred point of contact.
Waiting List:
NPIP: 55-1818 
History: Has been raising American Bresse since 2019. Lines are from Bresse Farms and other of uncertain origin. We have 50 birds in 5 groups.
Notes: Fat Chicken Farm LLC breeds all white Bresse. We currently have 5 breeding groups that live in a covered run.  We breed for temperament, size and fertility as well as trying to improve the breed to meet the Standard of Perfection. In the off season, we can hatch chicks for you from specific flocks by request if you are looking for certain qualities to add to your flock to improve your traits. (4/22/2022, updated 10/20/2022)

Fat Chicken Farm in North Carolina.
Lovely hens at Fat Chicken Farm in North Carolina.

Sonni Thornton
Location: Mocksville, NC 27028
Email: SonniJos.chicken @ gmail. com
+1 (919) 749 - 5881; +1 (339) 240 - 9731
Details: Foundation birds are from Bresse Farms, plus a rooster from North Star Farms (Greenfire stock). Has been raising ABC since 2021; has 14 birds in 2 breeding groups.
 I started working with chickens as an FFA project in my freshman year in high school (some years ago).
Flock Goals: My primary goal is table presentation. A well defined, robust but streamlined body, the way American Bresse are supposed to look. I am also breeding for egg production and finally the vivid slate legs and white ear lobes. The growth rate and size of my birds are spot on. I’m addressing some challenges that weren’t visible in my original breeding flock (there’s more to consistency than meets the eye).
Notes: NPIP 55-1817. (5/6/2022)

Leslee Wooton
Location: Marshall, NC 28753
Email: eldervinefarms @ google. com
Details: Has been raising chickens for 20 years, and American Bresse since 2011. Foundation birds are from Paul Brady's first importation (Greenfire, 2011). Now has 45 hens and 10 roosters in 5 groups. Breeding toward strengthening hen egg viability and numbers per year, plus removing all undesirable phenotype traits. Group consistency in growing out and rooster perfection to the French SOP. Offering chicks and breeding stock regionally. Looking for a comparable flock to source outside vigor.


American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Ohio

Joe Pniewski
Location: Rock Creek, OH 44084
Phone: +1 (440) 983 - 9500 (texts are his preferred point of contact)
 Joepniewskijr @ gmail. com
History: Foundation birds are from Sunny Acres Farm. Has been raising American Bresse since 2021. Has a flock of 20 birds in three breeding groups. "I've been working with chickens for 7 years now. I like to focus on 1 breed at a time. I raised Icelandic chickens for 5 years. I do enjoy learning about and working with chickens. I feel I did a great job with the Icelandic chickens but I felt the American Bresse was truly a better dual-purpose bird."
Flock Goals: Good size meat birds and egg layers. Breeding to the standard is progressing; pursuing improvements to size, body structure, and tail carriage. Combs are good. "My flock are awesome layers."
Notes: NPIP 31-1319. (5/6/2022)

Mandelyn Royal
Location: Mt. Repose, OH
 arcadianorchard @ gmail. com
Notes: White American Bresse. NPIP. Planning to open up sales in the spring of 2024. 
(1/9/2022, updated 2/20/2023)

Mandelyn Royal, owner of Arcadian Orchard Homestead in OH.Mandelyn Royal, Arcadian Orchard.

Allison Ruwe
Location: Jamestown, OH 45335
Email: ruwe.allie @ gmail. com – best mode of contact
Farm: Silent Creek Farm & Fiber
History and Details:
Has been raising chickens for 10-12 years, added American Bresse in 2020. Foundation stock from Brian Bailey, and will soon add North Star Farms lines. Chickens are kept in 2-3 groups, depending on the experimentation going on. Goals are a healthy balance of meat and egg production, neither selecting for one more rigorously than the other. According to Allison: "I'm quite picky when it comes to breeding. I'd like even more width, depth, better egg production, and slightly heavier birds than what I'm seeing in my flock currently." Allison culls heavily to the standard, avoiding trending fads as they come and go, aiming for birds that are worth the time and resources. "I believe that this 'breeding game' is a lifelong marathon, not a sprint, and while progress may seem slow at times, that's OK."

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Oregon

Christina Carmichael
Location: Eugene, OR 97404
Phone: (541) 896 - 1494 (text or call)
History: 30 plus years of raising chickens. Started researching American Bresse in 2019. Took another two years to find a reputable blood line that I could be proud of. I culled multiple birds from people that did not protect the breed and allowed mixed breeds to infiltrate their breed stock. I settled with Kirby Jackson's lines from 2017 Greenfire.
Details: I have three flocks: 1. Pure Greenfire with direct import from France. 2. Kerby Jackson early Greenfire 2017 import. 3. Sierra Shelton (More than small).
My goal is to protect the breed standard. I have never tasted chicken as delicious as an American Bresse. I want to maintain the meat, eggs, temperament, and French SOP. Too many people are producing junk Bresse or mixing them and then calling it a Bresse because it has blue legs. This could threaten the future of the breed. It took me FOREVER to find a quality Bresse breeder.
My breeding goals include adding chest depth and wider pin bones to my flock. I want to add larger eggs but not at the sacrifice of the marbled meat. I want to maintain the deep blue - almost purple legs, white plumage, white ears, long backs, easy going temperament, handle stress well, handle extreme temps well.
Notes: We have a closed flock. We practice strict biosecurity. My breeders are confined to a coop/run for the season. I test hatch each pair before offering them to the public.(8/4/2024)

Kerby Jackson
Location: Grants Pass, OR 97527
Website: (pending)
Email: kerbyjackson @ mail. com (best point of contact)
History: Foundation lines are from Greenfire Farms. Has been raising ABC's since 2019.
Notes: I've been breeding standard bred poultry for 45 years. I prefer to utilize individual matings over flock breeding.

June Burns
Location: Riddle, OR 97469
Phone: (541) 733 - 5871 (best point of contact) 
Email: ramblinrose6155 @ live. com
History: Foundation lines are from Greenfire, Gold Feather Farm and Bresse Farms. Has been raising ABC's since December 2018.
Notes: "I work with my vet to keep my chickens healthy. Goals are to breed my birds as closely to the French standard of perfection as possible. I'm focusing on meat, eggs, and a good calm disposition. Birds have white ear lobes, dark blue legs, all white feathers, and good body type for both eggs and meat." 

American Bresse flock raised by June Burns in Oregon, USA.
American Bresse hens raised by June Burns in Oregon, USA.

Mona van Krieken
Location: Mulino, OR 97042
Phone: (971) 282 - 2828 (text is best; email is ok but I check texts more often) 
Email: 1lesserdog2 @ gmail. com
History: Foundation birds are sourced from Mr. Frank Scarola (FL) in 2021. Breeding in 4 groups with a focus on meat and extra large eggs.
Notes: "I want friendly birds only, especially the roosters. The extra large eggs can be difficult to hatch but I’m getting better at it. The French finished bird is absolutely hands down the best chicken I’ve ever eaten. Birds are fed organic or non-GMO feed only, and always free range except when finishing." 

cock-two-hens-van-krieken-sq.jpg - or
two-big-eggs-van-krieken.jpg - or

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in South Carolina

Judy Farmer
Location: Lugoff, SC 29078
Email: judithfphotography @ gmail. com
Phone: (803) 606 - 1428: You can reach me by phone or email.
History: I've been raising chickens in general for 10 years; added American Bresse in 2020. Foundation stock is from North Star. My flock numbers approximately 30 birds in 4 groups. 
Details: My breeding goals are to consistently gain the traditional white Bresse conformation with specifics in back length, comb, ear lobe, and color, with a focus on producing meat. I love these birds and enjoy raising them for the challenge of keeping their unique qualities preserved.

American Bresse chicks from Judy Farmer in South Carolina.
American Bresse flock raised by Judy Farmer in South Carolina.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Tennessee

Cumberland Creek Farm (Nicholas Stengel)
Location: Lebanon Tennessee 37090
Email: ccfarmtn @ gmail. com
Phone: (615) 522 - 8516 (Home - Preferred point of contact.)
History: We have been breeding various breeds of chickens since 2015. American Bresse were added in 2019. Our flock is sourced from Greenfire Farms and Lisa Creekmore (Lebanon, TN). We have downsized and focused solely on the American Bresse for the past 3 years.
Details: Goals are to improve size, growth rate and egg size. 
NPIP: #63-920

Susan Swafford
Location: Cleveland, Tennessee 37323
Email: susan.swafford49 @ gmail. com
Phone: (423) 715 - 4914 (Call or text.)
History: 20 years experience with chickens in general, and we've been breeding American Bresse since 2015. Foundation stock from Greenfire Farms.
Available: Hatching eggs, chicks, started pullets/cockerels out of 3 bloodlines of White American Bresse.
(7/31/2023, updated 4/24/2024)

Beautiful American Bresse cockerels and pullets at Heaven Hill Farm.

Cindy von Dohln 
Location: Wartrace, TN, 37183
Facebook: GK Heaven Hill Farm on FB
Email: heavenhillfarm @ outlook. com (best mode of contact)
Phone: Home: (931) 639 - 4848; Biz: (931) 684 - 4746
Details: Heaven Hill Farm has been raising chickens for 14 years. They added American Bresse in 2020, birds were sourced from Greenfire and North Star. They breed to the standard for both meat and eggs. 
Available: Eggs, chicks, started and adult birds.
(2/20/2024, updated 8/12/2024)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Texas

North Star Farms
Location: Rusk, Texas 
Email: northstarfarm59 @ gmail. com
History: Closed flock North Star Lines.
Notes: Our focus is to maintain the meat qualities and egg laying potential of this breed. We are homesteaders and have found Bresse to be the perfect chicken for our needs. We solely raise, breed, cull, and ship BRESSE. We are breeders, not multipliers. We cull for weight gain, type, and egg laying capacity first. We strive for white feathers, blue legs, wide bodies, and wide heads. We look to achieve an overall excellent bird with focus on homestead qualities first and foremost. We keep broody hen qualities and protective (but not mean) roosters. We do NOT ship hatching eggs or sex our chicks.
For all sales and communication please see our website.
NPIP: We are NPIP certified and continue to certify as such. We are AI, Pullorum, and Typhoid CLEAN as of July 2022. (1/9/2022, updated 9/9/2024)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Utah

3F Farms (Sierra Ford)
Location: Elberta, UT 84626
Email: 3ffarmsut @ gmail. com (preferred points of contact are email and website)
+1 (775) 934 - 4256
Details: Foundation birds are from Bresse Farms and Greenfire. Has been raising ABC since 2021; has 30 birds in 3 breeding groups.
 10 years raising and showing poultry starting through 4-H; has continued to keep a variety of birds since then, meat production breeds mainly.
Flock Goals: "My main goal is to work towards exhibition, while trying to keep the birds true to the nature of a dual purpose animal. I would like to continue to breed towards the standard. We are getting darker eyes and consistent dark blue legs, and are breeding for white ear lobes. Our female combs may be too erect for the standard at the moment. I keep birds with milder temperaments. I am also on the voting side of a slightly larger bird that the French standard. We currently fall within the parameters of hens at an average of 6 lbs and our cocks at 7.5 lbs and will select for increasing mature weight to 8 lbs. All our extras that don't meet my flock standards fill our freezer." 
Notes: NPIP 87-195. "I have a degree in Animal and Veterinary Sciences and I hope to continue my studying of genetics through my birds and work towards physical traits. i.e. egg weights, bird weights and coloring. I am also very interested in continuing to educating others about meat production and particularly through properly finishing of birds. I think the Bresse have set a great platform to do so." (5/13/2022)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Virginia

B2C2 Farms
Location: Nickelsville, VA 24271

B2C2 Farms is on a Temporary Breeding PAUSE;
Please check back here later!

Facebook: - Messenger is preferred means of contact
Email: b2c2farms @ hotmail. com
History: Has been raising American Bresse since 2019. Lines are from Greenfire 2017, with a few females hatched from Goldfeather Farms in 2018 (an earlier Greenfire line) that were integrated over the years. We have 18 birds in 2 groups. 
NPIP: VA 52-410
Notes: B2C2 Farms is a small, family owned farm and private breeder of Bresse (along with Black Copper Marans, Lavender Orpington, Isabel Ameraucana, and Serama).  We are not a large hatchery. We are thrilled that an American Bresse standard is coming to fruition! As of 2022, we are on generation 3 with our Bresse flocks. We cull for defects (such as dark feathers popping up, tan, oval or misshapen eggs, squatty bodies). Bresse are truly the ultimate dual purpose bird, in our experience. Give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. (4/22/2022)

American Bresse rooster and hens from B2C2 Farms in Virginia.
American Bresse hen at B2C2 Farms in Virginia.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Washington State


Roxanna Willoughby
Location: Winlock, WA 98596
Website: Winlock American Bresse
Email: willoughbycroft @ gmail. com
History: I have been raising chickens since 1990, and white American Bresse since 2018. My flock consists of birds from Greenfire Farms, Bresse Farms, and Spring Creek Heritage Farms. I currently have 16 adult birds in my Bresse flock, in 2 separate breeding pens with plans to add a 3rd in 2023.
Notes: My flock is not NPIP. I don't have enough adult birds to participate in that program. I am content to limit my sales to the state of WA. I don't raise any other breed of poultry so I can focus exclusively on American Bresse. My goal is to breed towards the SOP. I have already culled pretty hard to remove any blatant flaws. Now I am narrowing things down.

Ambresse Acres
Location: Port Angeles, WA 98362
Email: info @ ambresse. com
History: Foundation stock is a mix of stock from Sunny Acres Farm in Ohio, and Bresse Farms (in 2020). MR stock from Ohio was added in July, 2023, and are raised in a separate pen. Original flock is free of recessive white genes as per genetic testing. Full history and details are on the Ambresse Acres page.
Notes: Contact via email or contact-us page. No shipping, but depending, I've been known to travel a couple hours to deliver. (1/9/2022; updated 1/14/2025)

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in West Virginia

H&W Pastures
Location: Hedgesville, WV 25427
Email: HWPasturesLLC @ gmail. com
Details: We have decade of experience raising and breeding chickens. Got our American Bresse foundation flock from North Star Farms in 2022. We cull heavy with a focus on breeding for both meat and egg production.
Notes: White feathers, slate blue legs. Earlobes are mostly white. Pin bones have 2.5 man-fingers spacing minimum. Keels straight, strong stance and heavy breast.
NPIP: WV 367

American Bresse hen at H&W Pastures in West Virginia.
American Bresse cock and hen at H&W Pastures in West Virginia.

American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Wisconsin

Alexander Schutz
Location: New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
Email: Schutzteacher @ gmail. com
History: Foundation lines from Bresse Farms, has been raising ABCs since 2019.
Notes: Flock of 15 birds is housed in 3 groups. (1/9/2022)

John Leighton
Location: Florence, Wisconsin 54121
Email: leightonjohn777 @ gmail. com
History: Has been raising chickens for 30+ years, and American Bresse specifically since 2016.  Foundation lines are from Bresse Farms, Laurie Ann Bennett, and Keith Loeffler (Import #3). Birds are housed in three breeding groups. Raising ABCs for eggs and meat, and selecting the best of the best to try and get as close to SOP as possible.
Notes: "I was disappointed with the American Bresse after dealing with import one and two. Size, color leakage, heartiness. Once I raised some Keith Loeffler birds I knew this was the breed for me." (1/30/2023)


American Bresse Chicken Breeders in Canada

British Columbia

Grade Eh Farms
Location: Delta, BC
Contact Grade Eh Farms via their contact form.
Email: gradeehfarms @ hotmail .com; gradeehfarms @ gmail .com
Notes: Poulet de Delta = Canadian Bresse. They ship birds throughout Canada.

Forest Borders Farm American Bresse Flock in 2024.

Elaine Willis
Location: Duncan, BC, V9L6K1 Canada
Email: elaine @ elainewillis. ca
Facebook: Forest Borders Farm on Facebook
Details: Stock is from Hillcrest Duncan and Kootenay Born, both in British Columbia, starting in 2022. Breeding is aimed at the SOP, keeping eggs and fleshing in mind over leg colour and feather yellowing.

American Bresse cock from Forest Borders Farm in Duncan, BC.
American Bresse hen from Forest Borders Farm in Duncan, BC.


White Canadian Bresse hens at Applemeadow in Ontario Canada.

Applemeadow Canadian Bresse
(Linda VandenBorre)
Location: Burgessville, ON, N0J 1C0 Canada
Email: lindas @ oxford. net (best mode of contact)
Phone: (519) 424 - 9088
Facebook: Applemeadow Canadian Bresse
History: Has been raising chickens for 50+ years, and Canadian Bresse since 2020. Stock comes from all Canadian sources: Two lines direct from France to Canada, from Grade Eh (2017), and a coloured line that is equal in stature to the whites.
Details: 40 - 50 hens and roos divided between farm gate eggs and breeding potential. 300 to 350 grow-outs from six lines. Three lines (2 white, one coloured). Three additional lines we are working with that taste exceptional, but need extensive work for consistency.
Goals: A great tasting meal between 3.5 to 4.5 pounds (table ready) at 11 to 14 wks. We track growth and feed conversion while maintaining egg laying and body composition according to the French Standard. Some lines are closer to the SOP than others, but it takes time. I am looking for consistency in what we produce. The birds feed us, and our raw fed dogs.
Notes: Shipping available in Canada for hatching eggs, local pick up for chicks.

Handsome Canadian Bresse cock at Applemeadow in Ontario Canada.
Lovely blue Canadian Bresse hen at Applemeadow in Ontario Canada.


If you have not found an American Bresse chicken breeder near you, try checking these links to see where there might be Am Bresse breeders not too far away from you: 

Here's to your successful search for American Bresse chicken breeders!


Let People Know You Raise American Bresse! website traffic is building quickly. This means more visitors, many of whom may be interested in acquiring ABC breeding stock, chicks, and/or hatching eggs.

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"Thank you so much for the listing...I'm getting calls and texts monthly!" (AC in SC)

Reasonable Parameters for Breeder Listings on this Page

The breed is new, and there are many experienced and inexperienced breeders out there, some of them less than honest. In order to support the healthy growth of the American Bresse breed and breeder community, we have set what we consider to be minimal standards for issuing ABC Breeder listings on this website

We will provide breeder listings to breeders who have been hatching and breeding American Bresse Chickens of clear and adequate quality in one's own flock for at least THREE (3) years1. 

If you're new to the breed and passionate about breeding to the standard, we hope you will reach out to us once you've been actively breeding ABCs for 3 years.

And in the meantime, we are happy to offer sales listings on the American Bresse Chickens for Sale page. 

How to Get your own Free American Bresse Chicken Breeder Listing on

Simply fill out and submit the form below. We'll create your breeder listing from the info you give us, or contact you if we have any questions. We'll also let you know when the listing has been posted so you can review it for accuracy.

NOTE: We also invite you to send photos to accompany your listing. See below...

American Bresse Breeder Listing Request

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Add a Photo or Two to Your American Bresse Chicken Breeders Listing!

Am Bresse flock rooster at Ambresse Acres.Original Am Bresse flock rooster at Ambresse Acres.

Include a photo or two with your flock listing! Photos are great selling tools and can encourage prospective customers to contact you.

Please send one or a few photos to info @ ambresse. com, or ambresseacres @ gmail. com.  We will include them with your listing.

(Your photos will be fully attributed to you. We will watermark them with your name or business entity, if you haven't done so already. If we use them elsewhere on the website, your photo will always receive attribution to you and include a link back to your information.)

Please give us a holler through email or Contact Us page should you have any questions. Thank you in advance!

1 will revisit these simple listing parameters from time to time and adjust them as needed.


"I processed my first batch of Bresse... Today I roasted one according (somewhat) to the recipe posted on Ambresse. It was delicious! Tender, moist and succulent... So happy I chose this breed! (B.E., MN, 12/11/2024).

"Your site has the first accurate information about American Bresse chickens that I have seen in English. Thanks for your diligent work" (L. Wooton, NC, 12/17/2024).

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American Bresse Breed Club web pages can be found under the Breed Club tab on the navigation bar. Any changes in Club status will be posted here!

American Bresse chickens - a true dual purpose breed.

Photo credit: Mandelyn Royal.